To: Sarah Whiteside, U.S. Prostitutes Collective
Nikki Craft

Dec. 27, 1983

Dear Sarah,
How anyone who undresses and sits in a box charging customers to come in and look at her can then turn and say they refuse to be "an object of curiousity," is just beyond me!
     I realize that economic necessity forces all of us to make decisions about our employment and survival that we would not make if we had real "free" choice and were living out from under the yoke of capitalism. You are employed, as many women are, by an industry that profits from the subordination of all of us. This system in its most extreme forms promotes hatred and cranks out propaganda that provides support systems for rapists, a political terrorism that all women must hide from in the culture.
     It is past time for women to stop turning their backs on these messages of hatred and what is causing and promoting them. As a sex slave to the patriarchy you must take the same responsibility that nuclear power workers, Rockwell or Nestle employees must take.
     Face it. Anti-porn activists are not your problem. They are the least obvious gawkers turning you into an object of curiousity. If you cannot join them in their efforts against these oppressive systems then at least you could take the time to read their literature. You would probably realize they do not see you as the enemy and you might even get a better idea of who the real enemy is.


Since October 3, 2001